Biggest Summer NAAUC National Conference was a SUCCESS!

The 25th of November marked the beginning of NAAUC’s biggest week of the year, the first day of our 54th Annual National Conference! This year, exploring the theme of Synergy, we brought delegates from every state in Australia together to guide our nation’s student leaders through the more specialised elements of cultivating community and culture in University residential communities. With leaders from 34 colleges across Australia attending Nat Con our team spent the week facilitating synergy between our attendees through our provision of leadership training and networking events.

Our theme of Synergy focussed on bringing together student leaders to amplify their potential and support a greater whole - a national network of student leaders. Throughout Nat Con leaders are encouraged to consider their own residence and the wider college sector from multiple perspectives. This Synergy of student leaders was best seen within our State Forum and Pitch on the final day of Nat Con, providing delegates an opportunity to closely analyse an issue within their residence, then broaden their perspective to their state, finally considering these issues as they face the sector as a whole and collaborating to discuss potential solutions. 

The Academic Program was a hit, with stand out sessions including our new Gender and Sexuality Workshop, Sex Culture on Res, What To Do When You F*** Up, and Intercollegiate Resident Relations. Delegates took time throughout the week to attend sessions specifically relevant to their leadership position such as RA Realities for Resident Advisors and Office Bearers for Executive Committee members. Moving to more broad sessions addressing college culture and the climate of the college sector in sessions such as Cultural Audit and Accessibility and Neurodiversity on Res. 

Rounding out each day with fun and fresh networking opportunities delegates participated in line dancing as taught by the wonderful Billy Tea Bush Band and putting their knowledge to the test and their money where their mouth was in our Trivia Night and Charity Auction to support the Red Frogs. Wednesday saw the twenty-second return of a well loved Nat Con tradition, Parliamentary Debating, held at the Parliament of New South Wales. Attendees dressed in their best business attire and engaged in parliamentary debating with a humorous college twist, followed by an opportunity to explore the city of Sydney in the Harbour Hunt. Our final social events consisted of Boatchella, a harbour cruise with a festival theme to reinvigorate delegates for the final stretch of Nat Con, and our annual NAAUC Ball. Held at Soultrap Bar our ball attendees made the most of the final night of Nat Con and danced the night away with their national network of peers. 




Grace College,UQ wins 54th NAAUC National Pitch