National Association of Australian University Colleges
National Conference Code of Conduct
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This Code of Conduct applies without exception to everyone in attendance at the National Conference. This includes (but is not limited to); student and staff delegates, NAAUC team members, guests, volunteers, and staff members of the host residence in attendance at the conference.
Any grievances related to NAAUC’s Code of Conduct, its handling of matters and use of procedures, or breaches of this Code of Conduct by delegates of the NAAUC Management Team, can be reported to any member of the NAAUC Management Team at any time.
While reports can be made to any NAAUC Management Team member, NAAUC encourages delegates to report matters to the relevant National Conference officer:
Grievances with the Code of Conduct or delegate Conduct the grievance officers
Concerns of respectful conduct and equity to the equity officers.
Matters of health, safety, injury, or illness to the first aid officers.
Delegates can find details of how to contact the relevant officer on the Delegate Portal or in the Conference Kit.
NAAUC has a responsibility to ensure the wellbeing and safety of all of the National Conference delegates and attendees is upheld to the best of its ability. Additionally, NAAUC wishes to ensure its values are reflected in the conduct of its management team, the delegates, and attendees of the National Conference.
Those found to be in breach of this Code of Conduct will be barred from attending the National Conference, and asked to depart at the earliest possible moment. In such cases, NAAUC shall not provide refunds, and bears no responsibility for additional costs incurred.
Decisions regarding breach of the Code of Conduct will be made with respect to the misconduct, the Association's duty of care, accountability, and the principles of equity, fairness, and justice.
NAAUC shall monitor to the best of its ability the environment in which activities take place to ensure that acceptable standards of conduct are observed at all times.
NAAUC shall take all grievances seriously, and ensure confidentiality is upheld. NAAUC will take immediate action to respond to grievances.
NAAUC is committed to supporting anyone who is subject to disrespectful conduct, and will ensure all delegates and attendees can access the support they need.
Delegates and attendees of the NAAUC National Conference shall only be permitted to attend the National Conference if they:
Are aged 18 years or older as of the starting date of the National Conference.
Agree in full to the Code of Conduct and Policies of the Association
Delegate tickets do not include transportation costs to and from the Conference, and in order to participate in the National Conference, delegates must arrange their own travel.
Each delegate must complete the delegate registration requirements prior to the commencement of the National Conference. The registration requirements will vary annually, and be communicated by the NAAUC Management Team.
Failure to accurately complete registration requirements in a timely manner may result in additional costs for the individual or purchasing residence. It is the responsibility of the individual and the residence to ensure registration is completed as required.
Incidental costs occurring due to the inappropriate conduct of delegates or attendees shall be levied against the purchasing residence, or the individual. These costs include, but are not limited to; lost key replacement, additional cleaning fees, and facility damages.
All delegates and attendees must agree to abide by the conduct outlined in the NAAUC National Conference Code of Conduct. Delegates and attendees who fail to agree to the Code of Conduct will not be permitted to attend the National Conference. In such cases where the delegate refuses to abide by the Code of Conduct within seven days of the National Conference commencing, a refund shall not be offered.
Conduct which is in breach of NAAUC National Conference Code of Conduct and/or NAAUC policies will result in an individual being barred from attending the National Conference. NAAUC will not provide refunds in such cases, and is not responsible for the barred individual's accommodation or travel.
The Association is committed to the responsible consumption and management of alcohol and other drugs. The Association adopts a harm minimisation approach to the management of alcohol and other drugs.
NAAUC is a community which is inclusive of all people, regardless of their choices related to the responsible consumption, or lack thereof, of alcohol and other drugs. The Association shall ensure that a safe and welcoming environment is provided for persons who choose not to consume alcohol or other drugs in places and scenarios where consumption is appropriate and accepted.
In order to promote responsible consumption, NAAUC has a strict policy against pre-consumption of alcohol or other drugs as a way to prepare for social events. This policy applies for the entirety of the National Conference, and includes all delegates, team members and anyone else affiliated with NAAUC throughout the duration of the conference.
NAAUC will not tolerate delegates whose conduct is affected by the consumption of alcohol or other drugs at inappropriate times of the National Conference. Further, all venues used at the National Conference shall be smoke free areas. This includes the use of e-cigarettes and vapes.
Delegates and any other National Conference attendees are welcome to drink responsibly at NAAUC sponsored events in compliance with the relevant liquor licence. However, delegates and attendees must refrain from purchasing their own alcohol separately and consuming it in their rooms or other common areas at the host college. Delegates are expected to monitor their own consumption of alcohol and other drugs if they choose to leave the conference and the supervision of the NAAUC Team at any time.
NAAUC will endeavour to implement an “alcohol amnesty” procedure on the first day of the National Conference. Any National Conference delegates who have brought alcohol in their luggage may surrender it without penalty to a member of the NAAUC team. Surrendered alcohol will be stored by the NAAUC team for the duration of the National Conference and the NAAUC will attempt to return it to the delegate on the last day.
Delegates who are exhibiting an inability to responsibly consume alcohol and other drugs shall be subject to disciplinary action.
NAAUC has zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment in any form. NAAUC aims to create a positive and safe environment at the National Conference for everyone to discuss issues facing students living in residences at Australian universities.
The NAAUC Management Team is clear in its acknowledgement that it is our responsibility to promote and create a safe, inclusive and friendly environment. This includes active promotion of inclusion practices.
Every attendee comes to the National Conference from a different background, and has different lived experience. Delegates and attendees are expected to attend the National Conference with an open mind, willing to listen to and learn from the experiences of others. Delegates and attendees are also expected to accept that some conversations at the National Conference will challenge their preconceptions, and they will approach these interactions with patience and respect.
Delegates and attendees will not engage in or tolerate any forms of discrimination or oppression, including racism, sexism, classism, transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, ableism, sizeism, or any other discriminatory behaviour. In every interaction with another attendee, we will treat others fairly as individuals with rights and responsibilities that are to be respected.
Delegates and attendees will acknowledge and respect the boundaries of others. Every delegate and attendee will give space to those with lived experiences, and will not talk over or interrupt others. Delegates and attendees shall also ensure they are actively acknowledging privilege, and know that their current work and mindset often does not undo the past harms done to disadvantaged and marginalised groups.
Delegates and attendees who exhibit a failure to treat others with respect will be subject to disciplinary action.
The National Association of Australian University Colleges (NAAUC) has a strong commitment to providing a safe, positive, and respectful environment in which its delegates can learn and grow. This environment is one free from sexual assault and sexual harrassment. Sexual Assault and sexual harrasment of any form shall not tolerated at the National Conference.
Survivors have the right to disclose sexual assault and sexual harrasment at any time. NAAUC believes survivors, and believes survivors have the right to be empowered by support services.
If an act of sexual assault or sexual harrasment has occurred, NAAUC encourages a disclosure to be made. Disclosures are to be directed to any member of the NAAUC Management Team, with encouragement to make disclosures to the Equity Officers. The member/s of the NAAUC Management Team who hear the disclosure shall act as first responder/s.
When a disclosure has been made, NAAUC shall take all appropriate action to ensure the safety of the survivor. An individual may choose to confide in any NAAUC Team regarding an incident of sexual assault or sexual harrasment. In such cases, the confidant shall support the individual with regard to; wellbeing, accessing and understanding their rights, and, accessing disclosure processes.
Any individual has the right to make disclosures to external bodies at any time. Nothing in this policy shall preclude an individual from doing so. NAAUC shall not take any action that will compromise a police investigation or complaint resolution process of a legislated body.
NAAUC reserves the right to exclude any individual from the National Conference in order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its delegates. Anyone in breach of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
All delegates and attendees have a responsibility to conduct themselves in a manner which does not place themselves or others at risk of injury or illness. NAAUC notes that inappropriate conduct which leads to injury or illness may result in disciplinary action.
NAAUC adopts responsibility for ensuring activities are conducted in a manner which minimises risk of injury or illness, and commits to integrating health, wellbeing, and safety practices into the National Conference.
NAAUC encourages delegates and attendees to access any required health and wellbeing services, and actively promotes health and wellbeing measures throughout the National Conference. In the event of an incident, the NAAUC Management Team shall proactively engage in the provision of first aid, seeking support, and contacting emergency services.
NAAUC believes in the right of every individual to have control over the use of their likeness and their image, and for individuals to be given the opportunity to provide consent for their image to be captured.
In agreeing to this code of conduct, all delegates and attendees are providing consent to NAAUC and its representatives to use their name/photograph/image/audio recording/video recording and likeness in all forms and manner (“Image”) for the purposes of advertising, media publicity, publication, general display or for any other purposes in whole or in part, including but not limited to publication on Internet web sites, broadcasts and any other publications as released to or by NAAUC.
National Conference delegates and attendees waive any interest that they may have in the copyright to their image now or at any future time. Further, delegates and attendees acknowledge that they are not entitled, nor shall in the future be entitled to receive any payment or consideration in respect of it and agree to make no claim against NAAUC for any payments for the Publication of their Image.
NAAUC understands that consent of the use of personal image and likeness is an active process, and delegates and attendees can withdraw consent at any time. Delegates and attendees may opt to have their image removed from NAAUC publications and platforms, and can make a request for their image to be removed at any time, either at the conference, or in the future.
NAAUC encourages delegates and attendees to take personal responsibility to ensure their image is not recorded at times they would prefer it not to be.
NAAUC cannot control the unauthorised use of delegates' and attendees’ image by persons not associated with NAAUC upon the publication of images. NAAUC also emphasises that, while it is not condoned by this Code of Conduct, NAAUC cannot control those present at the National Conference recording and disseminating an individual's image. In agreeing to this Code of Conduct, delegates and attendees forever waive any right to inspect or approve any publication of their image by NAAUC. They release and indemnify NAAUC from any loss, damage, costs, expenses, or claim including consequential loss connected with the publication of their image, including action for defamation, libellous material, breach of privacy, or copyright.
Any delegates or attendees with concerns related to the use of their image of likeness are encouraged to contact the NAAUC Management Team at their earliest convenience.
NAAUC is committed to the responsible management of the personal information of delegates and attendees. This commitment arises not only from a wish to comply with its legal obligations but also in recognition of and commitment to an individual's right to information privacy.
NAAUC will ensure that your personal information is kept secure and confidential. Only NAAUC Management Team Members, and those who perform services on the Association’s behalf and are authorised to handle your information, will have access to your personal information.
NAAUC will endeavour to keep your personal information accurate, complete and up to date. You can access the personal information the Association holds about you and request corrections at any time. This right is subject to some exceptions.
Personal information about delegates shall only be collected where relevant to the functions and activities of the National Conference and where there is a specific and immediate need to do so. In agreeing to this Code of Conduct, you are providing consent to NAAUC to collect your personal information for use at the National Conference. NAAUC will collect all personal information in a lawful, fair and not unreasonably intrusive way.
NAAUC will endeavour to ensure personal information is only collected and utilised for the primary purpose of collection, or secondary purposes which are reasonably anticipated by the individual. NAAUC welcomes discussions or concerns related to the use of personal information.
The NAAUC Team is committed to promoting social media use that is inclusive, informative and respectful of others. The NAAUC Team accepts that its responsibility to ensure a safe and welcoming environment throughout the National Conference extends to online spaces. This includes Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, WhatsApp, Youtube, and other online platforms.
Unacceptable social media and internist use includes all conduct which is outlined as unacceptable in this Code of Conduct. This includes but is not limited to; discrimination of any kind, defamation of an individual, group or organisation, inappropriate content that may cause distress and links to pages and discussions that do not align with the values of NAAUC. Unacceptable conduct will include any conduct which a person indicates they are uncomfortable with, or which the NAAUC Team believes to be inappropriate.
Delegates and attendees who exhibit an inability to use social media and the internet in a respectful manner will be subject to disciplinary action.