Vice President (Engagement)
Carys Butler
She / Her
Carys is a current resident at St Thomas More College at the University of Western Australia. Within her college, Carys joined several committees which have sparked her interest in community service. Through this experience she has flourished in her community and will continue to do so as she becomes a well rounded human being who is more than her degree. Carys is passionate about helping people and assisting them to their fullest potential, a passion which she has applied to her college setting in recent years.
The Vice President (Engagement) is the member of the NAAUC team responsible for NAAUC’s outreach and engagement programs. The Vice President (Engagement) is tasked with ensuring high quality programs and offerings geared towards students living on campus. The Vice President (Engagement) develops and implements strategies connected to NAAUC’s role in supporting and advocating for students in University Colleges. While this includes many responsibilities, the Vice President (Engagement) is primarily charged with leading the NAAUC State Representative Team, NAAUC’s consulting program, and management of NAAUC’s social media presence.
About Carys
Residential Experience
St Thomas More College
2022 - Present
The University of Notre Dame
University Experience
Bachelor of Nursing and Postgraduate Midwifery